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Cat Benadryl Dosage Calculator

1. What is Benadryl?

Definition: Benadryl is a brand name for diphenhydramine, an antihistamine used to relieve allergy symptoms, motion sickness, or itching in cats.

Uses: It’s commonly used for allergic reactions (e.g., insect bites, pollen), motion sickness, or mild sedation. Always consult a vet first.

2. Is Benadryl Safe for Cats?

Benadryl is generally safe for healthy cats at the correct dosage (1 mg/lb), but it’s not FDA-approved for pets. Avoid if your cat has heart disease, glaucoma, or is pregnant. Never use gel capsules or products with additional active ingredients (e.g., pain relievers).

3. How to Calculate Benadryl Dosage

Formula: Dosage = Cat Weight (lb) × 1 mg/lb

  • Liquid (12.5 mg/5 mL): Divide dosage (mg) by 2.5 to get mL.
  • Tablets (25 mg): Divide dosage (mg) by 25 to get number of tablets.
  • Chewable Tablets (12.5 mg): Multiply 25 mg tablet dosage by 2.
Example: For a 10 lb cat, dosage = 10 mg; Liquid = 4 mL; Tablets (25 mg) = 0.4 tablets; Chewable (12.5 mg) = 0.8 tablets.

4. Administration and Precautions

Give Benadryl every 8-12 hours as needed. Use only plain diphenhydramine products. Possible side effects include drowsiness, dry mouth, or excitement. Contact a vet if adverse effects occur.

Cat Benadryl Dosage Conversion Table

Cat Weight (lb) Dosage (mg) Liquid (mL) Tablets (25 mg) Chewable (12.5 mg)
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